Zahlen Please don’t pay before you got the confirmation! Bitte erst nach Bestätigung bezahlen! You can pay either in € or in Sfr. and you have different options:(Revolut / TWINT / normal Banking“/ normal card paying with sumup) Prices:only marathon: € 125.- / Sfr 120.-only 2 days (Fr/Sa) € 105.- / Sfr 100.-only 2 days (Sa/So) € 105.- / Sfr 100.-with 2x brunch: € 150.- / Sfr 145.-with additional meal: € 165.- / Sfr 160.-single bruch : € 15.- / Sfr 15.-single dinner: € 20.- / Sfr 20.- Für Teilnehmer:innen aus der Schweiz (keine GEBÜHREN !!)For participants from Switzerland (no FEES !!!) +41 79 325 93 57 Heiner Brogli REVOLUTIf you have an own Revolut-Account please pay with Revolut,there are no fees!! -> Heiner Brogli +41793259357 (No transaction fees!) For payments from the euro area please use this payment address!Normal Banking in Euro € (Least transaction fees for us in € !). Heiner Andreas BrogliIBAN: BE30 9678 1574 5411BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX Normally, further details are not necessary:WISERue du Trône 100, 3rd floorBrussels1050Belgium With big transaction fees from the euro area!Normal Banking in CHF (No Fees from Switzerland) BaselTangoMarathonDornacherstrasse 192CH-4051 BaselIBAN: CH23 0077 0252 7361 8200 2Basler Kantonalbank, 4002 BaselKonto 2527.3618.1001SWIFT: BKBBCHBBBIC: BKBBCHBBXXXBKB PC-Konto 40-61-4note:name of paticipants !!!November 24 or May 25 Edition