DJANE/DJ Mai 2024

DJ* Nico* (Basel – SCHWEIZ)
  A sociologue and former Hip Hop dancer djing Tango..? Yes indeed! Nico* co-organizes the alternative milonga La Catrina in Basel. Her djing is influenced by many different music styles from around the globe and focuses on nontango-songs, but also includes Electrotango and contemporary Tango. Let’s jump – and dance – into this futuristic tango adventure!
Neolonga La Catrina

DJane Elodie (Angers – FRANCE)

DJ Phil (Toulouse – FRANCE)
I started as a Hard Rock DJ in the 80’s, then DJ for Blues nights. Blues lead me to Tango Neo of course, and in 2015 I started Nueva Guardia, my Neolonga in Toulouse.
I like to make people dance on nice melodies.
I love to invite DJs to my milonga, organize events our baby the TNT is healthy, his little  Barcelona brother Tiny Barcelona also. I was also „father“ of the Nocturna (Tango way).

DJ Ben (Paris – FRANCE)
Ben met Tango in 2010. An all-round dancer, in 2012 he moved towards alternative tango and DJing. His sensitivity will naturally lead him towards alternative tango, electronic and nuevo, as well as contemporary music. Between 2018 and 2022, he is the resident DJ of the milonga Alternativa in Paris. Currently resident DJ at the milonga Diferente in Versailles, he collaborates regularly with Mauro Caiazza and his company Tango Freestyle.
A sure bet in alternative tango in France, Ben participates as a DJ in numerous events in France (Besançon, Caen, Deauville, Nevers, Nantes, Paris, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Versailles, etc.) and internationally ( Germany, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Switzerland…).
Listening to the dance floor, his passion is to build original sets, mixing emotion, intensity and rhythm.

DJ Kris TanGoVida (Berlin -GERMANY)
Am Anfang war der Tanz! Nach ein paar Jahren Standard, über 10 Jahre temperamentvollen Salsa, fand ich schließlich im Jahr 2006 meine wahre Leidenschaft im sinnlichen Tango. Früh begeisterte mich die Neo-Non-Tango-Musik, die bunt wie Konfetti und vielschichtig wie ein 3D-Puzzle ist. Getrieben von einem Kribbeln der Inspiration, einer Prise Wahnsinn und einer magischen Symbiose zur Musik, vollzog sich meine Transformation zum DJ-Pult. Warum? Weil die Musik förmlich nach mir rief! Mein DJ-Spektrum erstreckt sich von pulsierenden Beats, die deine Sinne in dynamische Schwingungen versetzen sollen, bis zu anmutigen Melodien, die dich mit ihrer Magie verzaubern können.

DJ Udo (Basel – Schweiz)

DJ Heiner Milonga «La Copa Loca» (Basel – Schweiz)